Wednesday, June 1, 2011

new fave magazine

lucky me, i got to spend almost 
the whole three-day weekend out in my garden. 

while i was picking up some seedlings
i ran across urban farm magazine
for the first time. 

i flipped through it and fell in love! 
lots of great articles on growing food in the city, 
keeping bees, 
container gardening, 
crop mobs, 
pretty photos. 


  1. Wierd...I think that was the same magazine I was reading in the grocery store last night! I should have bought it but I stood there and read the whole thing. :) Every article was wonderful...I was hoping to get some advice on my compost pile.

    Do you know the ratio of green to brown material is supposed to be?

  2. sarah, i love that you read the magazine in line at the market. so smart, and so eco-friendly of you! Now i have to decide whether i'm going to keep it, tear out some articles for my gardening file, recycle it, or give it to someone.

    ratio of green to brown - i've read that it's 2:1 brown to green. mine is no where near that. our vegan household generates so much green stuff for the compost - i'm sure yours does, too. i love the idea you gave me, via email, about ripping up paper shopping bags and using them in the compost.
