Monday, September 19, 2011

ryan's cleverness = bowling alley table

ryan can do pretty much anything. 
he made a beautiful table out of bowling alley lane over the weekend! 

i'm so excited about it. 
i've wanted a nice, long table for outdoor dining for a couple of years. 
the one he made sits 12. 

ryan had in mind he would use the left-over wood for an outdoor table. 

the cool thing about the table
(other than the fact people used to bowl on it)
is that all the wood is reclaimed. 

the edges are made out of wood from our friend Denise's old fence. 

the legs ... i can't remember exactly,
but the pieces of redwood used to be part of our house in some way. 

ryan cut wood, sanded, stained. 
he's amazing! 
i love that he has big visions, 
and the wherewithal to achieve them. 

i can't wait to see our friends and family 
gathered around the table saturday night, 
as we celebrate my ordination on Sunday! 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tera,
    First, I want to congratulate you on becoming ordained. That's a huge accomplishment and I'm so proud that you did it. :)
    Second, that table is amazing! I love that it's all reclaimed wood and it looks so great. I can't wait to see the posts of all your outdoor parties. I have told so many people about your bowling alley counters and they all think they're fabulous.

    also, wanted to let you know that I got the recipe for vegan caramels at Dog Hill Kitchen. If you make them, use a shallow pan or they get too thick and you can't get them out. Here's the page for the recipe.

    Enjoy all your good things and have a great time on your special day!
